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IncdOnboarding Localization Guide

Apply localization using *.strings files​

IncdOnboarding SDK contains localized texts in English, Spanish and Portuguese. In order to have this multi-language support please enable Use Base Internationalization inside your project and add languages that you want. If you would like to customize texts displayed by IncdOnboarding SDK next step would be to create a Localizable.strings file for different languages. To do that:

  1. In Xcode, select File > New > File, then select Resource in the iOS category in the sidebar.
  2. Select Strings File from the files and click Next.
  3. Name the file Localizable and click Create.
  4. Choose the strings to customize and add them to the Localizable.strings file as follows:
// add a key and change the value to what you want
"" = "Please enter your phone number";

Make sure that the file is in the Copy Bundle Resources section of the Build Phases tab in Xcode.

To give a custom name to the .strings file instead of using default Localizable file name. To specify this set IncdOnboardingManager.shared.localizationStringsFile to ie. LocalizableCustom.

Apply localization in runtime​

Specify preferred language​

Set IncdOnboardingManager.shared.localizationLanguage to desired locale, ie. "es":

IncdOnboardingManager.shared.localizationLanguage = "es"


  • Possible values are "en", "es", and "pt". If requested language is not found in bundle, preferred by current locale will be used.
  • If you overriden some texts in .strings file used by current locale, but you still want to force the preferred language please specify the bundle as well, ie. "es":
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "es", ofType: "lproj")
if let path = path,
let bundle = Bundle(path: path) {
IncdOnboardingManager.shared.localizationBundle = bundle

Change texts programatically from the code​

Change individual texts:

IncdLocalization.current["incdOnboarding.idChooser.idButton"] = "Button 1"

Define all texts:

var textDictionary = [String:String]()
textDictionary["incdOnboarding.idChooser.idButton"] = "Button 1"
textDictionary["incdOnboarding.idChooser.passportButton"] = "Button 2"

IncdLocalization.current = textDictionary

List of localizable texts​

Here's the list of texts bundled in IncdOnboarding.bundle:

"" = "Cancel";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"" = "Done";
"" = "Next";
"" = "TRY AGAIN";
"" = "Please open Settings and enable Camera";
"" = "Camera permission is mandatory";
"" = "OK";
"" = "Please try again";
"" = "Something went wrong";
"" = "Processing…";
"" = "Uploading…";
"incdOnboarding.autoCapture.detectionSuccess" = "Don’t move!\nTaking photo…";
"incdOnboarding.barcodeTips.continue" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.barcodeTips.subtitle" = "Photo will be taken automatically";
"incdOnboarding.barcodeTips.title" = "Zoom the barcode inside the frame";
"incdOnboarding.barcodeUploader.success" = "Success";
"incdOnboarding.barcodeUploader.uploading" = "Uploading";
"incdOnboarding.btnRetakePhoto" = "RETAKE PHOTO";
"incdOnboarding.ccv.invalidCCV" = "Invalid security code";
"incdOnboarding.ccv.title" = "Enter your security code";
"incdOnboarding.conference.btnSend" = "SEND";
"incdOnboarding.conference.chatWith" = "Chat with %@";
"incdOnboarding.conference.interviewerConnected" = "connected";
"incdOnboarding.conference.subtitle" = "We’re connecting you\nwith a representative";
"incdOnboarding.conference.title" = "Hang on";
"incdOnboarding.conference.waitingTimeLabel" = "This usually takes 2 – 3 minutes.";
"incdOnboarding.conference.writeMessageHint" = "Write a message";
"incdOnboarding.creditCardTips.title" = "Place your Credit Card\nwithin the frame\nand take the photo";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.continue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.curptextfield.placeholder" = "CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.generate" = "Generate";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.nocurp" = "I don’t have my CURP.";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.title" = "Enter your CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.add.title.confirm" = "Confirm your CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.birth.state.placeholder" = "Birth state";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.birthdate.placeholder" = "Birthdate";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.failure" = "Couldn't generate your CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.gender.female" = "Female";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.gender.male" = "Male";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.gender.placeholder" = "Gender";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.generate" = "GENERATE";
"" = "Please check your data";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.inprogress" = "Generating your CURP";
"" = "Last name";
"" = "Name";
"" = "Second last name";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.state.bornAbroad" = "Born Abroad";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.success" = "CURP verified!";
"incdOnboarding.curp.generation.title" = "Generate your CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.validation.failure" = "CURP not verified";
"incdOnboarding.curp.validation.inprogress" = "Verifying your CURP";
"incdOnboarding.curp.validation.success" = "CURP verified!";
"incdOnboarding.document.addressStatement.subtitle" = "This can be any legal documentation that proves your address.";
"incdOnboarding.document.addressStatement.title" = "Upload a document to verify your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.continue" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.document.failUpload" = "Couldn't upload your document";
"incdOnboarding.document.uploadFailed.continue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.document.files" = "Files";
"incdOnboarding.document.footer" = "Take a photo or upload PDF, JPG";
"" = "No document detected";
"" = "Show the paper\nstatement";
"" = "Statement out of focus";
"" = "Too dark\nStatement not detected";
"" = "Please move the statement\n closer";
"incdOnboarding.document.medicalDoc.subtitle" = "This can be a document that shows you are medically insured.";
"incdOnboarding.document.medicalDoc.title" = "Upload your medical document";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument1.subtitle" = "This can be any legal documentation that proves your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument1.title" = "Upload a document to verify your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument2.subtitle" = "This can be any legal documentation that proves your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument2.title" = "Upload a document to verify your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument3.subtitle" = "This can be any legal documentation that proves your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.otherDocument3.title" = "Upload a document to verify your identity";
"incdOnboarding.document.paymentProof.subtitle" = "This can be a document from your bank or electronic invoice that shows a specific transaction.";
"incdOnboarding.document.paymentProof.title" = "Upload your proof of payment";
"incdOnboarding.document.photoLibrary" = "Photo Library";
"incdOnboarding.document.takePhoto" = "Take Photo";
"incdOnboarding.document.tutorial.subtitle" = "Make sure that entire document fits the view";
"incdOnboarding.document.tutorial.title" = "Place your document within the frame and take the photo";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"" = "RETAKE";
"" = "Make sure the letters are clear and it has good lighting";
"" = "Review your document";
"" = "Email not valid";
"" = "Please enter your email address";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.btnContinue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.btnDontProvideLocation" = "Don’t provide location";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.btnGoToSettings" = "GO TO SETTINGS";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.title.allowLocation" = "Allow Location\nPermission to continue";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.title.intro" = "We need to determine\nyour location";
"incdOnboarding.geolocation.title.success" = "You are currently in:";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.connection" = "Government Check connection error";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.ineInfrastructure" = "Government Check infrastructure error";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.insufficientLookupData" = "Insufficient lookup data";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.missingDocumentIdentifier" = "Missing document identifier";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.missingSelfie" = "Missing selfie";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.moduleNotSupported" = "Module not supported error";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.userNotFound" = "User not found";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.error.userNotInDatabase" = "User not in government check DB";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.failure" = "Identity not verified";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.inProgress" = "Connecting to government check…";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.startedSuccessfully" = "Identity submitted for verification";
"incdOnboarding.govValidation.success" = "Identity verified!";
"" = "Photo\nis blurred";
"" = "ID scan failed";
"" = "1 attempt remaining";
"" = "%d attempts remaining";
"" = "Common issues";
"" = "Couldn't capture";
"" = "Glare detected";
"" = "ID not readable";
"" = "Shadows or\nglare present";
"" = "ID out of focus";
"" = "Too dark";
"" = "Info is\nnot readable";
"" = "ID type is not accepted";
"" = "Use another ID";
"" = "Blur present";
"" = "Move ID further away or closer to your phone until the image is focused";
"" = "Glare present";
"" = "Tilt the ID slightly up or down to minimize the reflection";
"" = "Info is not readable";
"" = "Minimize camera shake by holding your phone steady";
"" = "ID type is not accepted";
"" = "Please try with a different document";
"" = "HELP";
"" = "Ok, try again";
"" = "I prefer to capture the photo manually";
"" = "Camera lens dirty";
"" = "ID too far or out of frame";
"" = "Glare or shadows on ID";
"" = "Common issues";
/* Optional */
//"" = "Search for a well-lit place and, if possible, remove the plastic from the document.";
//"" = "Try moving the camera closer to your document for a clearer picture.";
//"" = "To avoid blurry photos, clean the camera lens with a soft, dry cloth.";
"" = "1. Put ID in the frame\n2. Press capture button";
"" = "Show the back of the ID";
//"" = "Keep the camera still";
"" = "Show the front of the ID";
//"" = "Keep the camera still";
"" = "Show passport page with photo";
"" = "Back ID scan fail";
"" = "Back ID scan success";
"" = "Front ID scan fail";
"" = "Front ID scan success";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"" = "Passport scan fail";
"" = "We will notify you with the result";
"" = "Referred to an executive";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"" = "RETAKE";
"" = "Make sure the letters are clear and it has good lighting";
"" = "Review your photo";
"" = "Show the back\nof the ID";
"" = "Show the front\nof the ID";
"incdOnboarding.idBackTips.title" = "Now show the\nback side of your ID";
"incdOnboarding.idBackTips.title.highlight" = "back side";
"incdOnboarding.idChooser.idButton" = "Driver License\nID Card\nResident Card";;
"incdOnboarding.idChooser.passportButton" = "Passport \nVisa";
"incdOnboarding.idChooser.title" = "Select what document\nyou want to scan";
"incdOnboarding.idTips.btnNext" = "NEXT";
"incdOnboarding.idTips.btnSkip" = "SKIP";
"incdOnboarding.idTips.btnStart" = "START";
"incdOnboarding.idTips.firstSubtitle" = "Avoid shadows and glare";
"incdOnboarding.idTips.secondSubtitle" = "Photo will be taken automatically";
"incdOnboarding.idTips0" = "Place your\nID inside the frame";
"incdOnboarding.idTips1" = "Avoid\nshadows and glare";
"incdOnboarding.idTips2" = "Make sure\nthe photo is sharp";
"incdOnboarding.idTips3" = "Make sure\ninfo is readable";
"incdOnboarding.intro.dataProtected" = "Your data is protected by Incode";
"incdOnboarding.intro.dataProtected.highlight" = "Incode";
"incdOnboarding.intro.title" = "For this process you will need:";
"incdOnboarding.intro.continue" = "CONTINUE";
"" = "Couldn\’t match\nyou to the ID";
"" = "Faces do not match";
"incdOnboarding.match.livenessFailed" = "Liveness failed";
"incdOnboarding.match.livenessSuccess" = "Liveness success";
"incdOnboarding.match.success" = "Matched";
"incdOnboarding.match.title" = "Verifying photo\nbased identity";
"incdOnboarding.match.userAlreadyExists" = "User already exists";
"incdOnboarding.match.primaryID" = "First ID";
"incdOnboarding.match.secondaryID" = "Second ID";
"incdOnboarding.match.selfie" = "Selfie";
"incdOnboarding.nameInfo.continue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.nameInfo.lastnamePlaceholder" = "Last Name";
"incdOnboarding.nameInfo.namePlaceholder" = "Name";
"incdOnboarding.nameInfo.subtitle" = "Please make sure to enter your name as shown on your ID";
"incdOnboarding.nameInfo.title" = "Enter your name";
"incdOnboarding.otp.btnSubmit" = "SUBMIT";
"incdOnboarding.otp.generating" = "Generating new code..";
"incdOnboarding.otp.timeLeft" = "%i second left";
"incdOnboarding.otp.timeLeftPlural" = "%i seconds left";
"incdOnboarding.otp.title" = "Please enter\nthe following code";
"incdOnboarding.otp.wrongCode" = "Incorrect code, please try again.";
"incdOnboarding.passport.err.classificationFailed" = "Passport scan failed";
"incdOnboarding.passport.err.readability" = "Passport not readable";
"incdOnboarding.passport.err.sharpness" = "Passport out of focus";
"incdOnboarding.passport.manualCaptureInfo" = "1. Put passport in the frame\n2. Press capture button";
"incdOnboarding.passportTips0" = "Place your Passport inside the\nframe and take a photo";
"incdOnboarding.passportTips1" = "Avoid\nshadows and glare";
"incdOnboarding.passportTips2" = "Make sure\nthe photo is sharp";
"incdOnboarding.passportTips3" = "Make sure\ninfo is readable";
"" = "User with this phone number already exists. Please check and try again.";
"" = "User already exists";
"" = "Yes, I’d like to receive important messages from %@ on my phone";
"" = "Please enter your phone number";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.processId.description" = "We’re verifying your identity";
"incdOnboarding.processId.status" = "Hold on a sec…";
"incdOnboarding.qr.btnTryAgain" = "TRY AGAIN";
"" = "Bad capture angle";
"" = "Blurred or damaged QR";
"" = "Ok, try again";
"" = "QR cropped out of frame";
"" = "Common Issues";
"" = "QR too close or too far";
"incdOnboarding.qr.processing" = "Processing...";
"incdOnboarding.qr.scanningDone" = "Done!";
"incdOnboarding.qr.scanningError" = "QR Scan\nUnsuccessful!";
"incdOnboarding.qr.title" = "Place the QR code\ninside the box";
"incdOnboarding.qrTips.subtitle" = "QR will be read automatically";
"incdOnboarding.qrTips.title" = "Locate the QR inside\nthe document";
"incdOnboarding.results.btnDone" = "DONE";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.2DBarcodeRead" = "2D Barcode Read";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.balancedLightBack" = "Balanced light (back side)";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.balancedLightFront" = "Balanced light (front side)";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.birthDateCheckDigit" = "Birth Date Check Digit";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.birthDateCrosscheck" = "Birth Date Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.birthDateValid" = "Birth Date Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.compositeCheckDigit" = "Composite Check Digit";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentClassification" = "Document Classification";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentCrosscheckAggregation" = "Document Crosscheck Aggregation";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentExpired" = "Document Expired";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentIdCheck" = "Document ID Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentNumberCheckDigit" = "Document Number Check Digit";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.documentNumberCrosscheck" = "Document Number Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.electorsKey" = "Electors Key Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.emissionNumber" = "Emission Number Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.expirationDateCheckDigit" = "Expiration Date Check Digit";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.expirationDateCrosscheck" = "Expiration Date Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.expirationDateValid" = "Expiration Date Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.expirationDateValidity" = "Expiration Date Validity";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.firstName" = "First Name Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.fullNameCrosscheck" = "Full Name Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.idLiveness" = "ID Liveness";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.imageTamperingCheck" = "Image Tampering Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.incodeCrossCheck" = "Incode CrossCheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.incodeFakeCheck" = "Incode FakeCheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.incodeIdLiveness" = "Incode ID Liveness";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.incodeTamperCheck" = "Incode TamperCheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.issueDate" = "Issue Date Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.issueDateCheck" = "Issue Date Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.issueDateValid" = "Issue Date Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.issueDateValidity" = "Issue Date Validity";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.issuingStateValid" = "Issuing State Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.liveness_score" = "Liveness Score";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.maternalLastName" = "Maternal Last Name Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.ocr" = "OCR Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.paternalLastName" = "Paternal Last Name Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.personalId" = "Personal Id Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.personalNumberCrosscheck" = "Personal Number Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.photoPrinting" = "Photo Printing";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.photo_comparison" = "Photo Comparison";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.photo_quality" = "Photo Quality";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.postitCheck" = "Postit Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.qrCheck" = "QR check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.registrationDate" = "Registration Date Valid";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.sexCrosscheck" = "Sex Crosscheck";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.sharpnessBack" = "Sharpness (back side)";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.sharpnessFront" = "Sharpness (front side)";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.tamperCheck" = "Tamper Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.user_already_in_database" = "User already in database";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.visibleColorResponse" = "Visible Color Response";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.visiblePattern" = "Visible Pattern";
"incdOnboarding.results.check.visiblePhotoFeatures" = "Visible Photo Features";
"incdOnboarding.results.frTitle" = "Facial Recognition";
"incdOnboarding.results.governmentValidationOcrTitle" = "OCR Validation";
"incdOnboarding.results.governmentValidationSelfieMatchingTitle" = "Photo Comparison";
"incdOnboarding.results.governmentValidationTitle" = "Government + Incode Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.idScanTitle" = "Incode ID";
"incdOnboarding.results.idSpecificTitle" = "ID Specific";
"incdOnboarding.results.idVerificationTitle" = "ID Verification";
"incdOnboarding.results.ineTitle" = "Government Check Data";
"incdOnboarding.results.ineValidation.faceMatch" = "It's a match!";
"incdOnboarding.results.ineValidation.noFaceMatch" = "No match";
"incdOnboarding.results.livenessScore" = "Liveness Score";
"incdOnboarding.results.livenessTitle" = "Liveness Check";
"incdOnboarding.results.manualCheckNeeded" = "Manual check needed";
"incdOnboarding.results.photoQuality" = "Photo Quality";
"incdOnboarding.results.photoSecurityQualityTitle" = "Photo security & quality";
"incdOnboarding.results.selfieTitle" = "Incode Selfie";
"incdOnboarding.results.userAlreadyInDB" = "User already in database";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.adjustingCamera" = "Please wait, adjusting camera";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.autoCapturing" = "Don't move!\nTaking photo…";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.badAngleXY" = "Look straight";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.badAngleZ" = "Don\'t tilt your head";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.badFaceQuality" = "Clean the camera and hold still";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.button.takePhoto" = "TAKE PHOTO";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.done" = "Done";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.eyesClosed" = "Keep your eyes open";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.faceOutsideBounds" = "Look at the camera";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.getReady" = "Get ready…";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.hasFaceMask" = "Take off the mask";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.hasHeadwear" = "Take your hat off";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.hasLenses" = "Take off your glasses";
"" = "Access denied";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.login.success" = "Success";
"incdOnboarding.selife.login.manualFaceNotFound" = "Face not detected";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.login.userNotFound" = "User not found";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.lookAtTheCamera" = "Look at the camera\nto verify you’re you";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.multipleFacesFound" = "Make sure you are the only person in the frame";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.spoofDetected" = "Poor conditions for selfie,\ntry in another place";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooBlurry" = "Too blurry";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooClose" = "Move away";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooDark" = "Too dark. Face not detected";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooFar" = "Move closer";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tryAgain" = "Try again";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.unknown" = "Look at the camera";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.customText" = "";
"incdOnboarding.selfieTips.subtitle" = "Keep a neutral expression, find balanced light and remove any glasses and hats";
"incdOnboarding.selfieTips.title" = "Let's take a selfie";
"incdOnboarding.selfieTips.voiceOver" = "Place your phone by arm distance in front of your face, and the image will be taken automatically";
"incdOnboarding.signature.btnClear" = "Clear canvas";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.acceptButton" = "Sign And Continue";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.declineButton" = "I don’t want to sign";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.dialog.dontSign" = "Don't sign";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.dialog.message" = "To be able to continue please sign the documents";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.dialog.sign" = "Sign";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signDocument.dialog.title" = "Signature is requried";
"incdOnboarding.signature.signHere" = "Please sign here";
"incdOnboarding.stepUp.invalidDigits" = "Invalid last 4 digits";
"incdOnboarding.stepUp.title" = "Enter last 4 digits of your phone";
"incdOnboarding.screenRecordingsUpload.title" = "All good, one more thing";
"incdOnboarding.screenRecordingsUpload.uploadCell.title" = "Session upload";
"incdOnboarding.screenRecordingsUpload.uploadCell.subtitle" = "Uploading %@%%";
"" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.userConsent.acceptBtn" = "I Agree";
"incdOnboarding.userConsent.checkboxLabel" = "Acknowledged and provide my informed consent";
"incdOnboarding.userConsent.dialog.continue" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.userConsent.dialog.quitProcess" = "Quit";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.allowPermission" = "ALLOW PERMISSION";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.askTitle" = "We need your verbal confirmation of accepting the terms that require Microphone Permission";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.askTitleBold" = "Microphone Permission";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.continue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.deniedTitle" = "We need your verbal confirmation that require Microphone Permission";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.audioPermission.deniedTitleBold" = "Microphone Permission";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.authorization.authorize" = "I authorize";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.authorization.dontAuthorize" = "Don’t authorize";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.authorization.title" = "Do you authorize %@\nto record you to validate\nyour information?";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.screenRecordingDenied.subtitle" = "All the progress will be lost.";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.screenRecordingDenied.quit" = "Quit";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.screenRecordingDenied.goBack" = "Go Back";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.btnContinue" = "CONTINUE";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.btnContinueUnderlined" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.btnTryAgain" = "TRY AGAIN";
"" = "All good!";
"" = "ID photo verification failed, please try again";
"" = "ID photo verification failed";
"" = "ID scan failed, please try again";
"" = "ID scan failed";
"" = "Name verification failed, please try again";
"" = "Name verification failed";
"" = "Processing…";
"" = "Now show back of ID";
"" = "Show front of ID";
"" = "Show passport page with photo";
"" = "ID type mismatch, please show the same ID";
"" = "ID type mismatch";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.poa.documentDescription" = "Proof of Address";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.poa.title" = "Show your %@\nand then press Continue";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.tapToAnswer" = "Tap to answer";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.tapWhenDone" = "Tap when done";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.tapToSpeak" = "Tap to speak";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.answerOutLoud" = "Please answer out loud";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.sayOutLoud" = "Please say out loud";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.onceAnsweredTap" = "Once you’ve answered tap continue:";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.start.readyButton" = "IM READY TO ANSWER";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.start.title" = "We need you to verbally confirm that you accept the terms";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.error.suggestion1" = "Be sure to be in a place with less ambient noise";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.error.suggestion2" = "Preferably use the microphone of your headphones";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.error.suggestion3" = "Be very clear with the pronunciation";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.error.title" = "Something went wrong";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.onceAnsweredTap" = "Once you’ve accepted tap continue:";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.processing" = "Processing…";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.success" = "All good!";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.title" = "Say\n“%@”\nout loud";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.questions.terms.title.default" = "I accept the terms";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.continueWithError" = "Continuing the flow, please wait...";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.error" = "Something wrong, try again";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.faceCamera" = "Face the camera";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.faceNotRecognized" = "No match, try again";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.faceRecognized" = "Looking good!";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.selfie.processing" = "Processing…";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.tutorial.subtitle" = "Follow the instructions during the video";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.tutorial.title" = "Let’s record a video";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.videoUpload.error" = "Something went wrong";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.videoUpload.success" = "Video Successfully Uploaded";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.videoUpload.uploading" = "Uploading video…";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.videoUpload.switchingToBackCamera" = "Switching to back camera...";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.videoUpload.switchingToFrontCamera" = "Switching to front camera...";
"incdOnboarding.videoSelfie.customText" = "";
"incdOnboarding.watchlist.validation.failure" = "Couldn't process information";
"incdOnboarding.watchlist.validation.inprogress" = "Processing information...";
"incdOnboarding.watchlist.validation.success" = "Success";
"incdOnboarding.mlConsent.checkboxLabel" = "I confirm that I have read and accept (optional)";
"incdOnboarding.mlConsent.continueBtn" = "Continue";
"" = "No internet connection";
"" = "Retry";
"" = "ID";
"incdOnboarding.intro.check.passport" = "Passport";
"incdOnboarding.intro.check.insuranceCard" = "Medical document";
"incdOnboarding.intro.check.proofOfAddress" = "Proof of Address";
"incdOnboarding.intro.check.selfie" = "Selfie";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.title" = "Please check your data";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.documentNumber.title" = "ID number";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.documentNumber.placeholder" = "";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.expiryDate.title" = "Expiry date";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.expiryDate.placeholder" = "Expiry date";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.birthDate.title" = "Date of birth";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.birthDate.placeholder" = "Date of birth";
"incdOnboarding.ocr.continueButton" = "Continue";
"" = "Is this symbol visible on the front or back of your ID?";
"" = "YES";
"" = "NO";
"" = "Read the chip on the ID";
"" = "1. Hold the ID against the camera.";
"" = "against the camera";
"" = "2. Make sure your ID and phone are touching.";
"" = "touching";
"" = "3. Hold still until scanning is complete.";
"" = "Hold still";
"" = "Start scanning";
"" = "TRY AGAIN";
"" = "HELP";
"" = "Common issues";
"" = "Phone is far away from the document";
"" = "Moving the phone while scanning has initiated";
"" = "Phone cover interferes with the scan";
"" = "Ok, try again";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.symbolConfirmation.title" = "Is this symbol visible on your passport cover?";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.symbolConfirmation.yes" = "YES";
"" = "NO";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.tutorial.title" = "Let’s scan the passport chip";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.tutorial.subtitle" = "Hold your phone close to the front cover.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.tutorial.subtitleHighlighted" = "front cover.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.tutorial.buttonTitle" = "Start scanning";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.helpButtonTitle" = "HELP";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page1.title" = "Let’s scan the passport chip";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page2.title" = "If that didn’t work..";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page3.title" = "If that still didn’t work..";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page4.title" = "If that still didn’t work..";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page1.subtitle" = "Hold your phone close to the front cover of your passport. Remove it from any folder or cover.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page2.subtitle" = "Try holding your phone close to the first page of your passport. If nothing happens, try slowly moving your phone across the page.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page3.subtitle" = "Try holding your phone close to the photo page of your passport. If nothing happens, try slowly moving your phone across the page.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page4.subtitle" = "Try holding your phone close to the inner back page of your passport. If nothing happens, try moving your phone slightly across the page.";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page1.subtitle.highlighted" = "front cover";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page2.subtitle.highlighted" = "first page";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page3.subtitle.highlighted" = "photo page";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.page4.subtitle.highlighted" = "inner back";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.carouselTutorial.tryAgainButton" = "TRY AGAIN";
"" = "Common Issues";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.help1" = "Passport is covered";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.help2" = "Phone is far away from the passport";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.help3" = "Chip is on another page in the passport";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.help4" = "Moving the phone while scanning has initiated";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.passport.help5" = "Phone cover interferes with the scan";
"" = "Ok, try again";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.scan.waitingForDocument" = "Once you see a change on the screen, keep the phone steady";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.scan.reading" = "Scanning, hold still…";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.scan.error" = "We couldn't scan the chip";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.scan.successfulRead" = "Document read successfully";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.processing.success" = "Document chip scan success";
"" = "Unable to authenticate document chip";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.processing.description" = "We’re verifying your identity";
"incdOnboarding.nfc.processing.status" = "Hold on a sec…";
"" = "Unable to authenticate chip";
"" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.sms.title" = "Verify your phone number";
"" = "Verify your email address";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.sms.subtitle" = "Please enter the code we’ve sent via SMS";
"" = "Please enter the code we’ve sent via Email";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.verifying" = "Verifying..";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.code.incorrect" = "Incorrect code, please try again.";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.code.expired" = "Code has expired, please try again.";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.try.again1" = "Didn’t receive the code? ";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.try.again2" = "Try again in %.0f seconds";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.try.again.button" = "Try again";
"incdOnboarding.otp.verification.try.again.or.label" = "or";
"" = "Change phone number";
"" = "Change email";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.title" = "Fill out your business credentials";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.businessName" = "Business name";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.address1" = "Business address";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.address2" = "Business address 2 (optional)";
"" = "City";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.state" = "State";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.postalCode" = "Postal code";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.taxId" = "Tax Id";
"" = "Country";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.button" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.status.label.processing" = "Processing..";
"incdOnboarding.ekyb.input.label.success" = "Success!";
"" = "Business not verified..";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.title" = "Upload a document to sign";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.subtitle" = "PDF format supported";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.continue" = "Continue";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.empty" = "Empty";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.addButton" = "Add document";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.removeButton" = "Remove";
"incdOnboarding.aes.uploadDocument.uploadingTitle" = "Uploading Document";

List of strings to localize VoiceOver functionality​

"" = "Back camera has started and ready to scan";
"" = "Capturing in";
"" = "Hold still";
"" = "Move ID further away, please";
"" = "Move ID closer to you, please";
"" = "Switching to manual capture. Press the button when you are ready to take a photo";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.cameraActivated" = "Front camera activated";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.switchingToManualCapture" = "Switching to manual capture. Press the button when you are ready to take a selfie";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.badAngleZ.voiceOver" = "Don\'t tilt your head";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.eyesClosed.voiceOver" = "Keep your eyes open";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.hasFaceMask.voiceOver" = "Take off your face mask";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.hasLenses.voiceOver" = "Take off your glasses";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooBlurry.voiceOver" = "Image not focused, adjust";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooClose.voiceOver" = "Move phone further, please.";
"incdOnboarding.selfie.tooFar.voiceOver" = "Move phone closer to you, please.";