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Incode Welcome SDK Usage

1. Initialize Welcome SDK​

Add the following line of code to your class that extends the Application class.

public void onCreate() {
new IncodeWelcome.Builder(this, WELCOME_API_URL, WELCOME_API_KEY)
.setSSLConfig(sslConfig) // optional SSL config for on-premise servers
.setLoggingEnabled(loggingEnabled) // enable/disable logcat logs. logs are enabled by default

WELCOME_API_URL and WELCOME_API_KEY will be provided to you by Incode.
Create an IncodeWelcome object using the Builder class and build() method.
Optionally specify SSL Config for your own on-premise servers.
Optionally disable logs.

Call the build() method to create the IncodeWelcome singleton object.
You can use the following API calls only after the SDK has been initialized using the build().

Review the API Javadocs for complete specification of IncodeWelcome.Builder and SSLConfig classes.

2. Create Session Configuration​

You can optionally customize the onboarding session by creating custom SessionConfig. Use the following SessionConfig.Builder APIs to do so:

  • setRegion: to change the region used for ID/document validation. Use 2 digit country code for specific country, or "EU" for document issued within Europe, or "ALL" for document issued by any country. Default value is "ALL". If provided country code isn't supported, default one is used.
  • setConfigurationId: Specify flow id from the dashboard in order to use configurations applied to that flow. Note that you still have to add onboarding steps via FlowConfig in order to display onboarding flow to the user.
  • setValidationModuleList: List of Onboarding Validation modules to be taken into account for user scoring and approval. By default it is id, liveness, faceRecognition
  • setCustomFields: Provide a list of custom fields that will be stored for this session
  • setInterviewId: ID of the onboarding session. Specify in order to resume existing onboarding session.
  • setExternalToken: Token of the onboarding session. Specify in order to resume existing onboarding session.
  • setExternalId: Id that is used outside of Incode Omni platform. If a session with the same externalId already exists, it will be resumed instead of creating a new one.
  • setQueueName: When using video conference module specify the queue which the user will enter once the flow is completed. If none specifed, user goes to default queue.
SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder()

Resuming an existing session, e.g started API to API

SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder()

3. Create Welcome Flow Configuration​

In your Activity class where you want to show the onboarding UI to your users, add the following code inside the onCreate method.

Firstly, you should create an FlowConfig object and add all the modules you want to use in your onboarding flow.
If you omit a module it won't be shown in the flow. Modules will be shown in the order you added them to the builder.
Please note that some modules are mandatory and there is an order dependency between some of them.
E.g. every onboarding flow needs to have a selfie scan and an ID scan.
Another example is results module that can not precede modules that add or process data.
If any of the rules is broken throws ModuleConfigurationException.

FlowConfig flowConfig = new FlowConfig.Builder()
.addIDScan(new IdScan.Builder().build())
.addDocumentScan(new DocumentScan.Builder().build())
.addSelfieScan(new SelfieScan.Builder().build())

Some modules require you to pass an instance of module config, which can be obtained and customized using module's Builder class.
For example: new IdScan.Builder().build() for IdScan module.

Some modules show tutorials by default. These can be disabled by calling the Builder's method setShowTutorials(false).
Conference is an optional step.

Use addConference(queueName) to specify a queue to which customers will be added for Video Interview.
If this isn't set customer will go to default queue.
Use addConference(queueName, disableMicOnCallStart) if you want to enable microphone once the video call starts.
Microphone is disabled by default, so provide false if you wish to enable it.

Results can be fetched through REST API.
If you want to display results in the client you can add results module by calling addResults().
By calling addResults(IDResultsFetchMode.FAST) you can change the validation mode.
Default value is IDResultsFetchMode.ACCURATE.

You can also approve user's onboarding application directly from the client by adding approval module addApproval().
If you are not using face match module, you can use addApproval(true, true) to perform face match in approval module.
By calling addApproval(true, true, true) you can force an approval even if validation results were under the recommended thresholds.

To enable proof of address step in video selfie use addVideoSelfie(true).

Review the API Javadocs for complete specification of FlowConfig.

4. Create a callback to receive SDK results​

OnboardingListener onboardingListener = new IncodeWelcome.OnboardingListener() {
public void onOnboardingSessionCreated(String token, String interviewId, String region) {
// Onboarding Session Created successfully

public void onIntroCompleted() {
// Intro screen completed

public void onAddPhoneCompleted(PhoneNumberResult phoneNumberResult) {
// Add phone completed

public void onQRScanCompleted(QRScanResult qrScanResult) {
// QR scan completed

public void onIdValidationCompleted(IdValidationResult idValidationResult) {
// ID Validation completed

public void onPassportValidationCompleted(IdValidationResult validationResult) {
// Passport validation completed

public void onDocumentValidationCompleted(DocumentType documentType, DocumentValidationResult result) {
// Document validation completed

public void onSelfieScanCompleted(SelfieScanResult selfieScanResult) {
// Selfie scan completed

public void onFaceMatchCompleted(FaceMatchResult faceMatchResult) {
// Face match completed

public void onSignatureCollected(SignatureFormResult signatureFormResult) {
// Signature collected

public void onUserConsentCompleted() {
// User consent complete

public void onVideoRecorded() {
// Video selfie finished successfully

public void onCaptchaCollected(CaptchaResult captchaResult) {
// Captcha collected

public void onGeolocationFetched(GeolocationResult geolocationResult) {
// Geolocation collected

public void onApproveCompleted(boolean success) {
// User's onboarding approval completed

public void onResultsShown(UserScoreResult userScoreResult) {
// Results shown to the user

public void onQueuePositionChanged(int newQueuePosition) {
// Queue position for the video call changed

public void onEstimatedWaitingTime(int waitingTimeInSeconds) {
// Called only once with the estimated waiting time in the queue. Waiting time is in seconds.

public void onConferenceEnded() {
// Called when the video conference has ended

public void onSuccess() {
// User successfully finished whole onboarding flow

public void onError(Throwable error) {
// Onboarding flow was aborted due to error

public void onUserCancelled() {
// User cancelled the flow

Important: Call deleteUserLocalData() when you're done​

Because Incode SDK has multiple ways to exit the flow, make sure to call IncodeWelcome.getInstance().deleteUserLocalData() to delete all the local user data generated during the flow when you are done.

It is recommended to call deleteUserLocalData() in the following callbacks:

public void onSuccess()
public void onError()
public void onUserCancelled()

5. Create Common Configuration​

You can optionally customize certain tresholds or specific UX behaviors by creating custom CommonConfig. Use the following CommonConfig.Builder APIs to do so:

  • setShowCloseButton: to show/hide close button in all screens. Close button is hidden by default.
  • setShowExitConfirmation: to show/hide a dialog where user needs to confirm that he wants to leave the flow after back button. Dialog is shown by default.
  • idAutoCaptureTimeout to override the default auto capture timeout in ID scan. Supported in capture only mode. Not applied in enroll mode.
  • selfieAutoCaptureTimeout: to override the default auto capture timeout in Selfie scan. Supported in capture only and login mode. Not applied in enroll mode.

Note that only on-device thresholds get overridden by calling APIs from above.

CommonConfig commonConfig = new CommonConfig.Builder()


6. Start the onboarding process​

Once created SessionConfig (use null for using default session configs), FlowConfig, and OnboardingListener objects, initialize your session by calling startOnboarding() like following.

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().startOnboarding(this, sessionConfig, flowConfig, onboardingListener);

Review the API Javadocs for complete specification of startOnboarding method and OnboardingListener interface.

Emulator support​

Emulator support provides dummy processing implementation for all modules that use camera for scanning, or depend heavily on photos taken by the camera:
ID scan, Selfie Scan, Face Match, Document Scan and Video Selfie.

Application shows black screen in place of camera, and after 2 seconds module finishes automatically with a specific code:
Selfie Scan, Face Match, Document Scan and Video Selfie: ResultCode.EMULATOR_DETECTED as resultCode
ID Scan: IdValidationResult.RESULT_EMULATOR_DETECTED as frontIdResult and backIdResult.

Make sure to remove setTestModeEnabled(true) before building the application for production!

Advanced Usage

If you would like to use SDK in a way that the default flow builder doesn't provide,
you can use SDK APIs for advanced usage where you'll be able to fully customize the experience of the flow,
ie. by calling individual SDK modules, or grouping SDK modules in sections, and returning control to your host application in between.

Simple vs Advanced usage

Create new onboarding session​

Before calling any other Onboarding SDK components it is necessary to create a new onboarding session.

SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder().build();

new OnboardingSessionListener() {
public void onOnboardingSessionCreated(String token, String interviewId, String region) {
// Onboarding Session Created successfully

public void onError(Throwable error) {

public void onUserCancelled() {

Optionally, you can specify a list of OnboardingValidationModule items.
This list determines which modules are used for verification and calculation of the onboarding score.
If you pass null as validationModuleList, the default values will be used: id, faceRecognition and liveness.

List<OnboardingValidationModule> validationModuleList = new ArrayList<>();

SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder()

It is also possible to determine Validation Modules based on a specific Web Flow, by passing a Flow Configuration ID.

Split Onboarding SDK flow into sections​

Once the new onboarding session is created (See previous section), you can separate Onboarding SDK flow into multiple sections based on your needs.

Make sure to call setFlowTag(String) for each section.

Make sure to call IncodeWelcome.getInstance().finishOnboarding() at the end of the flow,
but before CONFERENCE or RESULTS modules.

It is recommended to call deleteUserLocalData() before calling finishOnboarding() to delete local user data.

Create Onboarding Section​

// Create section
FlowConfig FlowConfig = new FlowConfig.Builder()
.setFlowTag("section 1") // Make sure to tag your flow section

// Start section

// Call when all finished
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().deleteUserLocalData(); // recommended to delete local user data at this point
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().finishOnboarding(OnboardingActivity.this, null);

Important: Receive "Section Complete" Callback​

OnboardingListener contains a callback for Onboarding Section Completed event onOnboardingSectionCompleted().
If you need to start another section from within the listener, make sure to only do that in onOnboardingSectionCompleted() method.

public void onOnboardingSectionCompleted(String flowTag) {
startNextSection() // This will not work properly in module callback methods (example: `onIdFrontCompleted()`)
// Use `onOnboardingSectionCompleted()` if you need to start other sections from the Listener
public void startNextSection() {
FlowConfig nextFlowConfig = new FlowConfig.Builder()
// add modules


Important: Call finishOnboarding() when you're done​

If you are calling individual SDK modules, or using flow sections (split-flow),
make sure to call IncodeWelcome.getInstance().finishOnboarding() to mark the end of the flow and close the session on server.
If you are using CONFERENCE or RESULTS modules, call finishOnboarding() first.

Resuming an existing onboarding session​

To continue an existing onboarding when app was uninstalled and installed again in the middle of the flow, make sure to call setupOnboardingSession API.
It's important to call it prior to making any other API calls in order to reset the configuration that got lost on uninstall.
Create a SessionConfig instance to set the existing interviewId.
Optionally, set the validationModuleList as well.

List<OnboardingValidationModule> validationModuleList = new ArrayList<>();

SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder()
.setInterviewId(interviewId) // Set interviewId
.setValidationModuleList(validationModuleList) // Set validationModuleList (optional)

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().setupOnboardingSession(sessionConfig, new OnboardingSessionListener() {
public void onOnboardingSessionCreated(String token, String interviewId, String region) {
// it's safe to call individual APIs again
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onUserCancelled() {

Non-UI APIs​

Optionally, you can use specific set of modules without showing Incode's UI.

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().faceMatch(String interviewId, IdCategory idCategory, @NonNull FaceMatchListener faceMatchListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().geolocation(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable String interviewId, @NonNull GeolocationListener geolocationListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().processId(@Nullable String interviewId, @Nullable IdCategory idCategory, @NonNull IdProcessListener idProcessListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().processLaborHistory(@Nullable String interviewId, @Nullable String curp, @NonNull ProcessLaborHistoryListener laborHistoryListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().processPaymentProof(@Nullable String interviewId, @NonNull ProcessPaymentProofListener processPaymentProofListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().processPaymentProof(@Nullable String interviewId, @NonNull ProcessPaymentProofListener processPaymentProofListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().getPaymentProofInfo(@Nullable String interviewId, @NonNull PaymentProofInfoListener getPaymentProofInfoListener)
IncodeWelcome.getInstance().getUserScore(@Nullable IDResultsFetchMode idResultsFetchMode, @Nullable String interviewId, @NonNull GetUserScoreListener getUserScoreListener)

Results are delivered via specific callbacks. Please note that there is no need to add a module to the flow or section configuration if you are using the non-UI variant.

Init SDK with External Token (no apiKey approach)​

You can initialize the SDK with an external token instead of using the apiKey.

Steps to follow:

  • 1: Initialize SDK with IncodeWelcome.Builder($CONTEXT, $WELCOME_API_URL)
  • 2: Create SessionConfig object with external token, and OnboardingListener object, then call setupOnboardingSession() (how to create a session config, how to create a listener).
  • 3: Create FlowConfig object (how to create a flow config). After onOnboardingSessionCreated() is called, call startOnboardingSection() to start the flow (use the listener created in the previous step).


Step 1:

new IncodeWelcome.Builder($CONTEXT, $WELCOME_API_URL)
// additional config

Step 2:

SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig.Builder()
.setExternalToken($EXTERNAL_TOKEN) // add external token here

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().setupOnboardingSession(sessionConfig, $LISTENER);

Step 3:

public void onOnboardingSessionCreated(String token, String interviewId, String region) {
// create your flow config
FlowConfig flowConfig = null;
try {
flowConfig = new FlowConfig.Builder()
.setFlowTag("My Flow")

} catch (ModuleConfigurationException e) {

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().startOnboardingSection($CONTEXT, flowConfig, $LISTENER);


Step 1:

IncodeWelcome.Builder($CONTEXT, $WELCOME_API_URL)
// additional config

Step 2:

val sessionConfig = SessionConfig.Builder()
.setExternalToken($EXTERNAL_TOKEN) // add external token here

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().setupOnboardingSession(sessionConfig, $LISTENER)

Step 3:

override fun onOnboardingSessionCreated(token: String, interviewId: String, region: String) {
var flowConfig: FlowConfig? = null
try {
// create your flow config
flowConfig = FlowConfig.Builder()
.setFlowTag("My Flow")
} catch (e: ModuleConfigurationException) {

IncodeWelcome.getInstance().startOnboardingSection($CONTEXT, flowConfig, $LISTENER)