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Incode Onboarding Flutter SDK

Incode Onboarding provides effortless onboarding where security matters. Incode Onboarding is part of Incode Omnichannel Biometric Identity Platform, that is powered by Incode's world class Face Recognition, Liveness detection and ID Validation models.

In this repo you can find an example onboarding app that uses Incode Onboarding Flutter SDK to enable remote account opening.


SDK Setup


  • Flutter version >=1.20.0


ref: master

Additional setup for iOS​

After installation, it's necessary to do the linking for the iOS, after running the command above.

  1. Change your Podfile inside ios folder so it requires deployment target 13 or higher.
-platform :ios, '11.0'
+platform :ios, '13.0'
  1. Run pod install within the ios folder:
pod install
  1. Adapt Info.plist by adding mandatory permission related entries depending on the modules you need:
  • For camera modules like IdScan, SelfieScan, DocumentScan or VideoSelfie the NSCameraUsageDesscription is mandatory.
  • Geolocation module requires NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • VideoSelfie module and its voice consent step requires NSMicrophoneUsageDescription

Additional setup for Android​

  1. Modify app/build.gradle so that you enable multiDexEnabled and set the minimum API level to 21:
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
minSdkVersion 21
  1. Modify your build.gradle so it contains Artifactory username and password, provided by Incode:
allprojects {
repositories {
+ maven { url "" }
+ maven {
+ url ""
+ credentials {
+ }
+ }

Additionaly, if you're explicitly setting kotlin-gradle-plugin version make sure kotlin version is set to 1.9.0:

buildscript {
+ ext.kotlin_version = '1.9.0'

dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
  1. Optionally, modify your app/build.gradle to add dependencies depending on the features you want to use:

Other optional dependencies can be added for optimized Face Login features:

  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-mask-detection:2.0.0' to detect face mask during face login.
  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-liveness-detection:2.0.0' to use local liveness by specifying .hybrid or .local FaceAuthMode for face login.
  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-face-recognition:2.0.0' to use local face recognition by specifying .local FaceAuthMode for face login.

Updating to latest version

Run flutter pub upgrade or flutter packages upgrade, and in case iOS SDK version was updated run pod install --repo-update and pod update IncdOnboarding inside your ios folder.

Usage example

  1. Initialize the SDK
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
apiUrl: 'YOUR_API_URL',
testMode: false,
onError: (String error) {
IncodeSdkInitError? e = error.toIncodeSdkInitError();
switch (e) {
case IncodeSdkInitError.simulatorDetected:
print('Incode init failed, simulator detected: $IncodeSdkInitError.simulatorDetected');
case IncodeSdkInitError.testModeEnabled:
print('Incode init failed, test mode enabled: $IncodeSdkInitError.testModeEnabled');
print('Incode init failed: $error');
onSuccess: () {
// Update UI, safe to start Onboarding
print('Incode initialize successfully!');

apiUrl and apiKey will be provided to you by Incode. If you're running the app on a simulator, please set the testMode parameter to true.

In case initialization isn't successful, onError callback will be triggered and the error String will contain more information. Possible values are listed in the IncodeSdkInitError enum: simulatorDetected, testModeEnabled, and unknown.

  1. Configure Onboarding session You should create an instance of OnboardingSessionConfiguration:
OnboardingSessionConfiguration sessionConfig = OnboardingSessionConfiguration();

Optionally, you can provide these parameters to the OnboardingSessionConfiguration object constructor:

  • region: ALL by default
  • onboardingValidationModules: list of OnboardingValidationModule items. This list determines which modules are used for verification and calculation of the onboarding score. If you pass null as validationModuleList, the default values will be used: id, faceRecognition and liveness.
  • customFields: custom fields which are sent to the server.
  • externalId: User identifier outside of Incode Omni database.
  • interviewId: Unique identifier of an existion session
  • token: Token of an existing session
  • configurationId: Flow configurationId found on Incode dashboard.

Specifying interviewId or token will return an existing session that will be resumed. Specifying externalId will return an existing session in case a session with the same externalId was already started, otherwise new session will be created.

  1. Configure Onboarding Flow

You should create an instance of OnboardingFlowConfiguration:

OnboardingFlowConfiguration flowConfig = OnboardingFlowConfiguration()

Depending on your needs you should specify the steps you want to include, ie.:


The steps will be executed in the order you added them to the flowConfig.

  1. Start the onboarding
sessionConfig: sessionConfig,
flowConfig: flowConfig,
onSuccess: () {
print('Incode Onboarding completed!');
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode onboarding error: $error');
IncodeSdkFlowError? e = error.toIncodeSdkFlowError();
// Handle the error accordingly
switch (e) {
case IncodeSdkFlowError.rootDetected:
print('Incode SDK onError rooted device detected: $IncodeSdkFlowError.rootDetected');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.hookDetected:
print('Incode SDK onError hooking frameworks detected: $IncodeSdkFlowError.hookDetected');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.simulatorDetected:
print('Incode SDK onError detected simulator: $IncodeSdkFlowError.simulatorDetected');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.permissionsDenied:
print('Incode SDK onError user denied permissions: $IncodeSdkFlowError.permissionsDenied');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.badEnvDetected:
print('Incode SDK onError bad environment detected: $IncodeSdkFlowError.badEnvDetected');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.virtualEnvDetected:
print('Incode SDK onError virtual environment detected: $IncodeSdkFlowError.virtualEnvDetected');
case IncodeSdkFlowError.unknown:
print('Incode SDK onError unknown error: $IncodeSdkFlowError.unknown');
print('Incode SDK onError called: $error');
onSelfieScanCompleted: (SelfieScanResult result) {
print('Selfie completed result: $result');
onIdFrontCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdFrontCompleted result: $result');
onIdBackCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdBackCompleted result: $result');
onIdProcessed: (String ocrData) {
print('onIdProcessed result: $ocrData');

Once all the steps are completed by the user, the onSuccess method will be called. In case some error occurred that stopped the flow from completing, the onError method will be called and the error String will contain more information. Possible values are listed in IncodeSdkFlowError enum. If user cancels the flow, the onUserCancelled method is called.

To listen for the results of the steps in the flow as soon as they're completed, you can add optional callback methods, ie. onSelfieScanCompleted that was added in the above example.

Optionally, if you want to store ID and Selfie capture session recordings, specify recordSessionConfig parameter to the startOnboarding method. Set OnboardingRecordSessionConfiguration.forcePermission to true if you wish to force the user to accept the recording permissions, otherwise the onboarding session will be aborted.

OnboardingRecordSessionConfiguration recordSessionConfig =  OnboardingRecordSessionConfiguration(recordSession: true, forcePermission: false);

sessionConfig: sessionConfig,
flowConfig: flowConfig,
recordSessionConfig: recordSessionConfig,
onSuccess: () {
print('Incode Onboarding completed!');
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode onboarding error: $error');
onSelfieScanCompleted: (SelfieScanResult result) {
print('Selfie completed result: $result');
onIdFrontCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdFrontCompleted result: $result');
onIdBackCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdBackCompleted result: $result');
onIdProcessed: (String ocrData) {
print('onIdProcessed result: $ocrData');


The modules supported by the SDK are listed here, and elaborated in more detail throughout the rest of this document.

  • Phone - Ask the user to enter a phone number.
  • Name - Ask the user to enter a name.
  • Email - Ask the user to enter an email.
  • IdScan - Ask the user to capture ID or Passport.
  • ProcessId - Process the ID in case Id Scan was separated to front and back captures.
  • SelfieScan - Ask the user to capture a selfie.
  • FaceMatch - Perform a face match between captured ID and Selfie
  • Geolocation - Get the information about the users current location.
  • GovernmentValidation - Perform government validation of the ID
  • VideoSelfie - Records the device's screen while the user needs to do a selfie, show his ID, answer a couple of questions and verbally confirms that he accept the terms and conditions. The recorded video is then uploaded and stored for later usage.
  • UserScore - Shows the info and scoring for all the steps performed
  • Signature - Ask the user to draw a signature
  • DocumentScan - Ask the user to capture a document
  • Captcha - Ask the user to complete CAPTCHA
  • CURP - Validate user's curp from the ID
  • OCREdit - Review OCR data
  • eKYB - Enables a KYB validation step with the business information and an optional source for this information including: business name, addresses, city, state, postal code and bank account number.
  • eKYC - Enables a KYC validation step with the user's information and an optional source for this information including: data obtained from the id, proof of address, or a manual capture.
  • Approve - Based on a score approves the current onboarding session and adds the user to the omni database.
  • MLConsent - Ask the user for Machine Learning consent
  • UserConsent - Ask the user for User consent
  • QRScan - Ask the user for QR scan
  • Antifraud - Gives ability to compare current interview with existing interviews and customers, detecting anomalies that could be signs of fraud.
  • GlobalWatchlist - This module checks customer identities against sources of Sanctions, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), & Watchlists.
  • CustomWatchlist - This module checks if the user is present inside Incode's watchlist. The watchlist is configured in Incode's dashboard.
  • Aes - This module enables an advanced electronic signature to ensure legally binding and compliant document signing with enhanced security and authentication measures.

Modules configuration​

Below is the list of all available modules, with additional configuration parameters.

  • Phone
    • defaultRegionPrefix(optional): int?. Default region prefix for phone input. If set, will override the current default prefix based on the user's device region selection.
  • Name
    • no additional parameters
  • Email
    • no additional parameters
  • IdScan
    • showTutorials (optional, defaults to true): bool?
    • idType (optional): or IdType.passport. If omitted, the app will display a chooser to the user.
    • idCategory (optional): IdCategory.primary or IdCategory.secondary
    • scanStep (otpional): If you wish to separate front and back ID scan, specify ScanStepType.front or ScanStepType.back. ScanStepType.both is the default and will capture both front and back of the ID, and process the ID afterwards. If you specify ScanStepType.front or ScanStepType.back you will have to add ProcessId module after the captures.
    • showRetakeScreen (optional, defaults to true): bool? - Specify false to ommit the photo review screen for manual captures.
    • showAutoCaptureRetakeScreen (optional, defaults to false): bool? - Specify true to show photo review screen for auto captures.
    • enableFrontShownAsBackCheck (optional, defaults to false): bool? - Specify true to show realtime feedback to the user during back ID capture that he should capture the other side of the ID
    • enableBackShownAsFrontCheck (optional, defaults to false): bool? - Specify true to show realtime feedback to the user during front ID capture that he should capture the other side of the ID
    • enableRotationOnRetakeScreen (optional, defaults to true): bool? - Specify false to disable capture image rotation when user enters photo review screen.
    • autocaptureUxMode (optional): countdown or holdStill. Default holdStill - Specify countdown to introduce 3-2-1 timer before ID is auto captured
    • autoCaptureBestFrameTimeout (optional, defaults to 25) - Timer that starts when ID is detected for the first time, defaults to 25 seconds. Manual capture mode will be activated If ID isn't autocaptured sucessfully before time runs out.
    • autoCaptureNoIdTimeout (optional, defaults to 60) - Timer that starts when ID scan autocapture starts, defaults to 60 seconds. Manual capture mode will be activated if no ID is detected before time runs out.
  • ProcessId (used only if ScanStepType.front or ScanStepType.back were specified as scanStep for IdScan module)
    • idCategory (optional): IdCategory.primary or IdCategory.secondary
    • enableIdSummaryScreen (optional, defaults to true): bool? - Specify false to disable ID capture summary screen
    • Note: Please make sure to call this module only after the both ScanStepType.front and ScanStepType.back IdScans are completed.
  • SelfieScan
    • showTutorials (optional, defaults to true): bool?
    • lensesCheck (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Performs check if user is wearing glasses during Selfie Scan.
    • cameraFacing (optional, defaults to front): front | back. Specifies which camera will be used during Selfie capture.
    • faceMaskCheck (optional, defaults to false): bool?. This checks if a person has a face mask on.
    • brightnessThreshold (optional, defaults to 50): int?. Adjust minimum requirements for a well lit face during capture.
  • FaceMatch
    • idCategory (optional, defaults to primary): IdCategory.primary or IdCategory.secondary
    • Note: has to be specified after IDScan and SelfieScan modules.
  • Geolocation
    • no additional parameters
  • GovernmentValidation
    • isBackgroundExecuted - (optional, defaults to false): bool?. Specify true to hide the module UI during its execution.
  • VideoSelfie:
    • showTutorials (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Show tutorial for video selfie.
    • selfieScanMode (optional, defaults to selfieMatch): SelfieScanMode.selfieMatch or SelfieScanMode.faceMatch; Specify if you would like to do selfie comparison, or comparison with the photo from ID.
    • selfieLivenessCheck (optional, defaults to false): bool?. Check for user liveness during video selfie.
    • showIdScan (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Ask for ID scan during video selfie.
    • showDocumentScan (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Ask for Proof of Address during video selfie
    • showVoiceConsent (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Ask for Voice consent during video selfie
    • voiceConsentQuestionsCount (optional, defaults to 3): int?. Choose number of questions for video selfie voice consent steps.
    • idScanCameraFacing (optional, defaults to back): IdScanCameraFacing.front or IdScanCameraFacing.back; Specify if you would like to use fromt or back camera for ID scan
  • UserScore
    • mode (optional, defaults to accurate): UserScoreFetchMode.accurate or If accurate the results will be fetched from server, which may exhibit some latency, but will rely on server-side processing of information, which may be more reliable than on-device processing. If fast, then results based on on-device processing will be shown.
  • Approve
    • forceApproval (optional, defaults to false): bool? - if true the user will be force-approved
  • Signature
    • no additional parameters
  • DocumentScan
    • showTutorials (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Show tutorial for document scan.
    • showDocumentProviderOptions (optional, defaults to false).
    • documentType (optional, defaults to DocumentType.addressStatement).
  • Captcha
    • no additional parameters
  • CURP
    • no additional parameters
  • OCREdit
    • isEditable (optional): defaults to false: bool?
  • eKYB
    • checkBusinessName (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkAddress (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkTaxId (optional): defaults to true: bool?
  • eKYC
    • checkName (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkEmail (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkAddress (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkPhone (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkSsn (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkDob (optional): defaults to true: bool?
    • checkNationality (optional): defaults to true: bool?
  • MLConsent
    • type: MLConsentType.gdpr or
  • UserConsent
    • title: String, title for user consent
    • content: String, content for user consent
  • QRScan
    • showTutorials (optional, defaults to true): bool?. Show tutorial for QR scan.
  • Antifraud
    • no additional parameters
  • GlobalWatchlist
    • no additional parameters
  • CustomWatchlist
    • no additional parameters
  • Aes
    • uploadDocument (optional, defaults to false): bool?.
    • downloadDocument (optional, defaults to false): bool?.

Modules interdependencies​

  • ProcessId module expects IdScan both ScanStepType.front or ScanStepType.back to have executed.
  • FaceMatch module expects IdScan and SelfieScan to have executed, in order to perform the match. In other words, IdScan and SelfieScan must precede FaceMatch
  • VideoSelfie module expects IdScan in faceMatch mode, or SelfieScan in selfieMatch mode.
  • UserScore module should succeed all other modules (must be at the end)
  • Approve module should succeed all other modules (must be at the end)
  • The UserScore and Approve modules do not depend on each other, so their order can be arbitrary.
  • Aes module expects Phone, IdScan and SelfieScan to precede it.

SDK results


Specify onAddPhoneNumberCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive PhoneNumberResult:

  • phone : String, the phone number user entered


Specify onAddFullNameCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive AddFullNameResult:

  • name : String, the name user entered


Specify onAddEmailCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive AddEmailResult:

  • email : String, the email user entered


1) Specify onIdFrontCompleted, onIdBackCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive IdScanResult result:

  • image: Captured ID image
  • base64Image: String?. Captured front ID in base64 format
  • croppedFace: Cropped face from captured ID image
  • chosenIdType: User chosen type on ID selection screen- id or passport
  • classifiedIdType: type of the captured ID
  • idCategory: IdCategory. Category of the scanned ID
  • failReason: String?. Reason why ID scan failed
  • issueName: String?. Detailed type of the ID
  • issueYear: int?, year when the ID was issued
  • countryCode: String?, Country code where the ID was issued
  • scanStatus: If status has a value other than IdValidationStatus.ok you can consider the ID scan and/or validation did not come through successfully. Other status messages are: errorClassification, noFacesFound, errorCropQuality, errorGlare, errorSharpness, errorTypeMismatch, userCancelled, unknown, errorAddress, errorPassportClassification.

2) Specify onIdProcessed to the startOnboarding method, to receive String OCR result:

  • ocrData: String?. Raw JSON containing full OCR data ie. exteriorNumber, interiorNumber, typeOfId, documentFrontSubtype


Specify onSelfieScanCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive SelfieScanResult:

  • image: Uint8List?. Captured Selfie image
  • spoofAttempt: bool. false means that person trying to do selfie is a real person. true means it is a spoof attempt, meaning that person is trying to spoof the system by pretending to be someone else using a physical paper, digital photo or other methods. nil means that unexpected error happened so it couldn't be determined if the selfie scan was a spoof attempt or not.
  • base64Images: SelfieScanBase64Images. Contains image, in different formats, taken during Selfie Scan
    • selfieBase64: String?. Captured Selfie base64 image
    • selfieEncryptedBase64: String?. Captured Selfie encrypted base64 image


Specify onFaceMatchCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive FaceMatchResult:

  • faceMatched: bool. true means person's selfie matched successfully with the front ID. false it means that person's selfie isn't matched with the front ID image. null it means that front ID image wasn't uploaded at all, so the face match service didn't have data to compare with selfie
  • idCategory : IdCategory. Category of the ID that was used for face match.
  • existingUser: bool. Indicates whether the user is new or existing one.
  • existingInterviewId: String?. If user is existing user this field is populated with existing interview id.


Specify onGeolocationCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive GeoLocationResult:

  • city: String?
  • colony: String?
  • postalCode: String?
  • state: String?
  • street: String?


Specify onGovernmentValidationCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive GovernmentValidationResult:

  • success: bool, true if the government validation was performed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onVideoSelfieCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive VideoSelfieResult:

  • success: bool, true if the video selfie was performed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onAntifraudCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive AntifraudResult:

  • success: bool, true if the antifraud was passed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onUserScoreFetched to the startOnboarding method, to receive UserScoreResult.

Example UserScoreResult for completion of the module:

ovarall: {
value: '0.0/100',
status: 'ok'
faceRecognition: {
value: '0.0/100',
status: 'warn',
liveness: {
value: '95.2/100',
status: 'manual',
idValidation: {
value: '79.0/100',
status: 'fail',


The field status can have one of the following values: warning, unknown, manual, fail and ok.


Specify onApproveCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive ApprovalResult.

  • success: bool. true if the approval was successful, false otherwise.
  • uuid : String?. Customer Id of newly created customer if approval was successful, null otherwise.
  • customerToken : String?. Customer token for newly created customer if approval was successful, null otherwise.


Specify onSignatureCollected to the startOnboarding method, to receive SignatureResult.

  • signature: Uint8List?. Collected signature image.


Specify onDocumentScanCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive DocumentScanResult.

  • image: Uint8List?. Document scan image.
  • documentType: DocumentType. Type of scanned document.
  • address: Map<String, dynamic>?. Address fetched from the document. Will be available only for DocumentType.addressStatement
  • ocrData: Raw JSON containing full OCR data


Specify onCaptchaCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive CaptchaResult.

  • captcha: String?. Entered captcha.


Specify onCurpValidationCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive CurpValidationResult.

  • curp: String?. User's CURP.
  • valid: bool?. Tells if user's CURP is valid. Null means there is no result (user decided to skip).
  • data: Map<String, dynamic>?. User's CURP data.


Specify onOCREditCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive OCREditResult.

  • success: bool. true if OCREdit completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onEKYBCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive EKYBResult.

  • success: bool. true if eKYB scan completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onEKYCCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive EKYCResult.

  • success: bool. true if eKYC scan completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onMLConsentCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive MLConsentResult.

  • success: bool. true if the user has given the machine learning consent, false otherwise.


Specify onUserConsentCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive UserConsentResult.

  • success: bool. true if the user has given consent, false otherwise.


Specify onQRScanCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive QRScanResult.

  • success: bool. true if QR scan completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onGlobalWatchlistCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive GlobalWatchlistResult.

  • success: bool. true if GlobalWatchlist completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onCustomWatchlistCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive CustomWatchlistResult.

  • success: bool. true if CustomWatchlist completed successfully, false otherwise.


Specify onAesCompleted to the startOnboarding method, to receive AesResult.

  • success: bool. true if Aes completed successfully, false otherwise.
  • error: AesError.

Advanced Usage

If you would like to use SDK in a way that the default flow builder doesn't provide,
you can use SDK APIs for advanced usage where you'll be able to fully customize the experience of the flow,
ie. by calling individual SDK modules, or grouping SDK modules in sections, and returning control to your host application in between.

Setup an onboarding session​

Before calling any other Onboarding SDK components it is necessary to setup an onboarding session.

OnboardingSessionConfiguration sessionConfiguration =
sessionConfig: sessionConfiguration,
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode onboarding session error: $error');
onSuccess: (OnboardingSessionResult result) {
print('Incode Onboarding session created! $result');

Session configuration can be configured in the same way as explained in the Usage Example section Configure Onboarding session.

Configure section flow​

Once the new onboarding session is created (See previous section), you can separate Onboarding SDK flow into multiple sections based on your needs.

IncodeOnboardingFlowConfiguration flowConfig = IncodeOnboardingFlowConfiguration();

Start onboarding section​

Once the IncodeOnboardingFlowConfiguration is created call the following method:

flowConfig: flowConfig,
flowTag: 'idSection',
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode onboarding session error: $error');
onIdFrontCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdFrontCompleted result: $result');
onIdBackCompleted: (IdScanResult result) {
print('onIdBackCompleted result: $result');
onIdProcessed: (String ocrData) {
print('onIdProcessed result: $ocrData');
onOnboardingSectionCompleted: (String flowTag) {
print('section completed');

Start flow​

Starts the flow based on the OnboardingSessionConfiguration provided - specify the configurationId, and optionally the interviewId if you want to resume a certain onboarding session and/or moduleId to start from a specific step within the flow.

 OnboardingSessionConfiguration sessionConfig =
configurationId: "YOUR_CONFIGURATION_ID",
interviewId: "YOUR_INTERVIEW_ID"); // optional

sessionConfig: sessionConfig,
moduleId: 'YOUR_MODULE_ID', // optional, ie. "PHONE"
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode startFlow error: $error');
onSuccess: () {
print('Incode startFlow completed!');
onUserCancelled: () {
print('User cancelled');

Starts the flow based on the deeplink URL. This method will read configurationId, interviewId and a step from which it should start.

onError: (String error) {
print('Incode startFlowFromDeepLink error: $error');
onSuccess: () {
print('Incode startFlowFromDeepLink completed!');
onUserCancelled: () {
print('User cancelled');

Finish onboarding session​

Make sure to call finishFlow() at the end of the flow (when you are sure user has finished all onboarding modules and you won't be reusing same interviewId again).


Face Login

Prerequisites for a successful Face Login is that user has an approved account with an enrolled face.

Face Login 1:1​

1:1 Face Login performs a 1:1 face comparison, and returns a successful match if the two faces match.

For 1:1 Face login you need to have at hand his customerUUID. If the user was approved during onboarding on mobile device, you should have received customerUUID as a result of Approve step during onboarding.

faceLogin: FaceLogin(customerUUID: "yourCustomerUUID"),
onSuccess: (FaceLoginResult result) {
onError: (String error) {

FaceLoginResult will contain:

  • image: selfie image
  • spoofAttempt: boolean that indicates if user tried to spoof the system
  • base64Images: base64 representations of the selfie image
  • faceMatched: boolean that indicates if the faces matched
  • customerUUID: unique user identifier if the user successfully authenticated
  • interviewId: sessionId in which the user got approved
  • interviewToken: session token in which the user got approved
  • token: token that can be used for further API calls
  • transactionId: unique identifier of face login attempt
  • hasLenses: indicator if login attempt failed due to person wearing lenses
  • hasFaceMask: indicator if login attempt failed due to person wearing a face mask.

Face Login 1:N​

1:N Face Login performs a 1:N database face lookup, and returns a successful match if face is found in the database.

faceLogin: FaceLogin(),
onSuccess: (FaceLoginResult result) {
onError: (String error) {

FaceLoginResult will contain:

  • image: selfie image
  • spoofAttempt: boolean that indicates if user tried to spoof the system
  • base64Images: base64 representations of the selfie image
  • faceMatched: boolean that indicates if the faces matched
  • customerUUID: unique user identifier if the user successfully authenticated
  • interviewId: sessionId in which the user got approved
  • interviewToken: session token in which the user got approved
  • token: token that can be used for further API calls
  • transactionId: unique identifier of face login attempt

Face Login parametrization​

Authorization modes​

By default Face Login will perform server spoof and face recogniton check.

In order to optimize and speed up Face Login there are two other options that you can provide to FaceLogin parameter faceAuthMode: FaceAuthMode.hybrid and FaceAuthMode.local.

FaceAuthMode.hybrid will perform spoof check locally on the device, and if it is successful it will perform server face recognition check. FaceAuthMode.local will perform both spoof check and face recognition check locally on the device, thus making it possible to authenticate users while being offline. Prerequisite for a successful offline face login is that the user was onboarded and approved on the same device.

To use FaceAuthMode.local mode on Android please add 'com.incode.sdk:model-liveness-detection:2.0.0' and 'com.incode.sdk:model-face-recognition:2.0.0' depenendcies to your app/build.gradle file.

To perform a one-time server authentication in case a user isn't found locally on the device during FaceAuthMode.local execution, specify faceAuthModeFallback to true. It works only in 1:1 Face Login mode.

To adjust spoof and recognition thresholds for FaceAuthMode.local and FaceAuthMode.hybrid modes, specify spoofThreshold and recognitionThreshold params to FaceLogin object.

FaceAuthMode.kiosk will perform only face recognition check on the server. It is currently only supported on Android platform.

To use FaceAuthMode.kiosk mode on Android please add 'com.incode.sdk:kiosk-login:1.0.0' dependency to your app/build.gradle file.

Face mask check​

By default Face Login won't detect if people wear face masks.

To enable face mask check specify faceMaskCheck parameter to true in FaceLogin.

To use faceMaskCheck in Android please add 'com.incode.sdk:model-mask-detection:2.0.0' dependency to your app/build.gradle file.

Leneses check​

By default Face Login will detect if people wear lenses.

To disable lenses check specify lensesCheck parameter to false in FaceLogin.

Log Authentication attempts​

By default each authentication attempt is logged, and some statistics info like device used is being tracked.

Specify logAuthenticationEnabled false if you want to disable this to get faster performing authentications.

Manipulating locally stored identities​

To be able to authenticate multiple users using 1:N and FaceAuhtMode.local mode you'll need to add these users to the local database. This section will describe which methods you can use to perform CRUD operations with locally stored identities.

Add Face​

To add a single identity to the local dabtase, use addFace method and provide a FaceInfo object, that contains:

  • faceTemplate: String -> biometric representation of a user's face
  • customerUUID: String -> unique customer identifer in Incode's database
  • templateId: String -> unique identifier of a biometric representation of a user's face in Incode's database
FaceInfo faceInfo = FaceInfo(faceTemplate: template,
customerUUID: uuid,
templateId: templateId)
faceInfo: faceInfo,
onSuccess: (bool result) {
onError: (String error) {

Remove Face​

To remove a single identity from the local database use removeFace method and provide a customerUUID:

customerUUID: "your_customer_uuid",
onSuccess: (bool result) {
onError: (String error) {

Get faces​

To fetch all currently stored identities use getFaces method.

onSuccess: (List<FaceInfo> faceInfos) => {
print("faceInfos: $faceInfos")},
onError: (String error) {

Set multiple faces​

To add multiple identities at once you can use setFaces method and provide a list of FaceInfo objects, but keep in mind it will firstly wipe out all currently stored identities.

FaceInfo faceInfo =
FaceInfo("your_face_template", "your_customer_uuid", "your_template");
FaceInfo faceInfo2 =
FaceInfo("your_face_template2", "your_customer_uuid2", "your_template2");

final faceInfos = <FaceInfo>[
FaceInfo("your_face_template", "your_customer_uuid", "your_template"),
FaceInfo("your_face_template2", "your_customer_uuid2", "your_template2")
faces: faceInfos,
onSuccess: (bool result) => {print("result: $result")},
onError: (String error) {

Clear face database​

To clear local database use setFaces method and provide empty FaceInfo list of objects.

faces: List.empty(),
onSuccess: (bool result) => {print("result: $result")},
onError: (String error) {


To change theme and resources (text, images and videos) on Android platform please look at a guide here.

To change resources on iOS platform please look at a guide here.

To change theme on iOS platform specify json theme configuration and call IncodeOnboardingSdk.setTheme(theme: theme):

Map<String, dynamic> theme = {
"buttons": {
"primary": {
"states": {
"normal": {
"cornerRadius": 16,
"textColor": "#ffffff",
"backgroundColor": "#ff0000"
"highlighted": {
"cornerRadius": 16,
"textColor": "#ffffff",
"backgroundColor": "#5b0000"
"disabled": {
"cornerRadius": 16,
"textColor": "#ffffff",
"backgroundColor": "#f7f7f7"
"labels": {
"title": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"secondaryTitle": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"subtitle": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"secondarySubtitle": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"smallSubtitle": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"info": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"secondaryInfo": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"body": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"secondaryBody": {"textColor": "#ff0000"},
"code": {"textColor": "#ff0000"}

IncodeOnboardingSdk.setTheme(theme: theme);

Using SDK without an API KEY

To use the SDK without an API KEY, please follow these steps: 1) provide only a specific apiUrl only to the init method. 2) Afterwards, configure OnboardingSessionConfiguration with a token 3) Provide it either to the startOnboarding, or if you're using sections to the setupOnboardingSession and then start your sections.

Example code that showcases steps 1) and 2:

apiUrl: '',
onError: (String error) {
print('Incode SDK init failed: $error');
setState(() {
initSuccess = false;
onSuccess: () {
// Update UI, safe to start Onboarding
print('Incode initialize successfully!');
OnboardingSessionConfiguration sessionConfiguration = OnboardingSessionConfiguration(token: "YOUR_TOKEN");

// call `startOnboarding` or `setupOnboardingSession` and then start sections.

Other Public API methods

SDK Mode​

You can choose between two modes: SdkMode.standard and SdkMode.captureOnly. SdkMode.standard is the default, but if you would like to skip image upload and server validations for id and selfie scan you can specify captureOnly mode using method:

IncodeOnboardingSdk.setSdkMode(sdkMode: SdkMode.captureOnly);

Allowing user to cancel the flow​

You can use showCloseButton method to display an 'X' button on the top right of each module, so that user can cancel the flow at any point:

IncodeOnboardingSdk.showCloseButton(allowUserToCancel: true);

Tracking events​

  • When onboarding has been started, information about events used to track all the user steps in their flow can be obtained using onEvents callback.

Specify onEvents to the startOnboarding method, to receive OnEventsResult:

  • event: String - Unique identifier of the event
  • data: String? - JSON string with additional event details

Set Localization Language​

To programatically set localization language in runtime, call IncodeSdk.setLocalizationLanguage. Parameters available for IncodeSDK.setLocalizationLanguage method:

  • language - language used for runtime localization. Supported values are currently: 'en', 'es' , 'pt'.

Additionally, on Android platform a new dependency needs to be added in your app's build/gradle:

  implementation 'com.incode.sdk:extensions:1.1.0'

Set string​

To programatically set and update strings in runtime, call IncodeSdk.setString. Parameters available for IncodeSDK.setString method:

  • strings: Map<String, dynamic>. Map of string keys and its values.
    Map<String, dynamic> strings = {
/// iOS labels
'incdOnboarding.idChooser.title': 'My Custom chooser title',

/// Android labels
'onboard_sdk_id_type_chooser_title': 'My Custom chooser title',
IncodeOnboardingSdk.setString(strings: strings);

Additionally, on Android platform a new dependency needs to be added in your app's build/gradle:

  implementation 'com.incode.sdk:extensions:1.1.0'

For iOS please check documentation here:

For Android please check documentation here:

Get Score API​

You can use getUserScore method to fetch current onboarding session user score at any point:

onSuccess: (UserScoreResult result) {
print("userScore: $result");
onError: (String error) {
print("userScore error: $error");

UserScoreResult has extendedUserScoreJsonData String field which contains full user data in a json format.

AddNom151Archive API​

You can use addNOM151Archive method to generate and fetch Nom151Archive:

onSuccess: (AddNom151Result addNom151Result) {
String? signature = addNom151Result.signature;
String? archiveUrl = addNom151Result.archiveUrl;
}, onError: (String error) {
print('Incode addNOM151Archive error: $error');

AddNom151Result contains two String fields signature and archiveUrl as an and result.

Get user OCR data API​

You can use getUserOCRData method to fetch user OCR data for a specific session:

token: "{SESSION_TOKEN}",
onSuccess: (GetUserOCRDataResult result) {
print(result); //
onError: (String error) {

GetUserOCRDataResult contains a String field ocrData, which represents full OCR data in a JSON format.

Known issues

  • Running the app on iOS simulator from VSCode isn't supported currently. Please run the app from Xcode for now if you want to test it on iOS Simulator. NOTE: Don't forget to set testMode to true before running the app.